The RICHWOOD PLACE CIVIC ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS will meet tonight at 7. If you have anything that you would like us to discuss, please let us know. We have a lot going on that we will talk about tonight and discuss at our next meeting. Our next General Meeting and election for 2013 is this Tuesday, 7pm at Zoe’s Kitchen. We hope to see you soon!

Board meeting and Last general Meeting of 2012

BOARD Meeting

Wednesday evening, November 7, 7-8pm.

at Sue Bailey’s house
Please RSVP to and I will provide you the address, if needed.
Also, Our last scheduled meeting of the year is: GENERAL MEETING, Zoe’s Kitchen 7-8pm Tuesday, November 13. Please save-the-date and plan to join us for that!
This is an election meeting to elect Board members for the January 2013-January 2014 year. If you are interested in serving, please let us know, be sure that your dues are current, and attend the meeting. If you would like more information about what any of the office positions do, please get in touch with any one of us. We’d be happy to help.