Law and Order, Montrose: Why The Mean Streets Of The City Aren’t So Mean Anymore

Twenty-two or 23 years ago, I would have never lived here. It was bad. You were seeing carjackings, you were seeing a lot of assaults, a lot of violent crime.

We had pockets of gang activity. We had some on Stanford and we had ones off of Welch. There was Woodhead, Mandell, and Colquitt. The apartments in the 1700 block of Portsmouth are essentially where criminals lived. I pretty much stayed there in 1996 and 1997. There were so many places they could run – they’d bring cars in, strip them in the back alleys.

Think about what’s changed in Montrose. Property value has gone up, there are a lot of different people living here now. These new homes came in, and they tore everything down so the gang members had to move somewhere else. Once that project went down everything changed.